I'm with you. All the way. We must do what you're describing, no matter what. On the eve of HeWho's self-coronation I read a great biography of Vaclav Havel and it has bolstered my resolve (especially the artist/revolutionary part). Please don't lose heart. I wish I didn't live thousands of miles away. I would be on your doorstep to take you for a walk. And if it's ok next time I'm back, I will... Much love, Beth
I'm with you, Joyce. I'm trying not to think that my rage is impacting my (already compromised) health (perhaps as much as the NIH freezes will), and I'm doing what I can to counter that by, well, doing what I can. In my case, that's more contributing (ACLU, PP, etc) than marching, but if I can, I will. I do take some heart in hearing about HeWho's falling poll numbers, and I confess to a certain schaudenfraude when I read about farmers going broke because of funding freezes, etc. This gives me hope for the future. I just hope we're all around to see it.
Someone just told me that Louisiana just lost $23 million in teacher-training funding. You wouldn't think that would be cause for celebration, but since I'd thought the FElons were going to make exceptions to cuts in Red states in order to assure continued fealty and the continued support of red-state voters, this was a relief!
Isn’t that the worst feeling? Rooting against the kids? There are people like us in red states too — patriotic people with values and empathy. I won’t abandon them.
I, too, am struggling, as I'm sure you and everyone within blast radius of my social media channels knows. For me, the terror isn't so much in worrying "is this it?" as it is imagining what fresh dystopian hell lies *beyond* this. The so-called Dark Enlightenment toward which we're purportedly being dragged isn't any kind of enlightenment at all. It's just dark.
Chris Murphy's terrible response seems to confirm my suspicion that Congress has become so overly consumed with the politicking and fundraising and campaigning required to get INTO Congress (the ego stuff, as you correctly put it), that they've lost touch with the stuff they're supposed to do once they're there. Not the voting -- which I jadedly suspect they see mostly as a means of accumulating points toward a future election win -- but the macro-level stewardship of democracy, which is literally what they swore to do, and which is still their responsibility even when they're the minority.
OMFG indeed.
The other thing that frustrates me about his response is, had they won, they would have had to put a competent cabinet together quickly. I'm SURE there had already been discussions, shortlists, etc. Lord, what a bad look.
I'm struggling to maintain optimism. Some days I can eke some out, but mostly not. Thanks, probably, to my generational trauma (only two generations back!), I am a little too vigilant about being able to recognize when it's time to flee. But this is subtle: no tanks, no pogroms. It's a digital coup. They're stealing data and grabbing control of the infrastructure and systems we all rely on for daily living. Problem is, you can't really un-steal data. So if our lives are already being fed into either the "wood chipper" (god I hate his glibness), or the brand new Colossus AI center in Memphis -- which I suspect will soon be the machine that literally runs America -- then... what does "fleeing" even look like?
But thanks to said generational trauma, I still sit around for hours a day like Alex in A Clockwork Orange, eyes pinned open, watching the shit flood the zone. I'm exhausted and burnt out and unlike your checked-out friends, I can't look away because what if the thing I miss is the threat I was supposed to stay vigilant for? What if I miss the signal?
I hope you know I am and will always be one of your people, and I'm so grateful to be in that position. You can come cry in my driveway anytime, and I will even pretend I didn't notice. You were probably just checking out my cool Ghost Army bumper magnet.
Joyce, thank you so much for this. I read everything; I feel it’s my duty as a citizen, even though I am surrounded by people who don’t, because it’s “too stressful.” My German Jewish father very nearly didn’t make it out of Nazi Germany because as assimilated upper middle class Jews who had a Christmas tree every year; they thought they were safe. They weren’t, and we aren’t either. We must pay close attention and yes, I want Pete Buttigieg or someone like him to stand up every day and let us know what’s going on and what we can do about it. I need to find a way to stop feeling sick to my stomach all day every day. Again, thank you for this beautiful essay.
Thank you Joyce. We all had been warned this would happen—-why didn’t our reps have a plan B? We have all the tools we need at our disposal and yet nothing is being done.
I'm with you. I want to be on your team when we are out in the streets. I won't repeat why the past two days were the worst ever -- you don't need any additional data on why to be despondent. But I am definitely with you.
Joyce. I’ve been watching HeWho shitshow unfold with increasing horror from across the Pond, and I’m also wondering where the hell the opposition are. Plenty of media pundits and podcasters but not so much from Democratic heavy hitters. Anyway, I send my support and best wishes (as the saying goes, when the US sneezes, the UK catches a cold a week later). I’ll continue to give the appropriate greeting when I drive past HeWho’s Ayrshire golf course and hope that does something for the karmic balance (no harm in trying). Stay strong and keep well.
I read a comment somewhere that characterized Democratic Party leadership and politicians as aristocrats holding fast to what they regard as their personal power; admitting that their approach no longer works brings with it risks to their access, etc. It rings true, to me. (Real opposition could mean pissing off their big donors, as well.) The time to shift to a different set of operational norms is now.
We need a hella lot more voices like yours in this Dismantlizoic Era, Joyce. Let's keep up both that leadership search, and the simultaneous grassroot "plot, plan, strategize, organize, and mobilize" effort with a particular eye toward midterms and the primaries beyond. I can't shake the cynical, yet I feel rational, viewpoint that there's no extant political way out that includes a path toward US Democracy; and that a revolutionary, systemic alteration is necessary in order to find that new effective leadership, one which is not entirely vulnerable to the HeWho's castigations and ad hominem delegitimizations. Some sort of overthrow of both media and finance (Citizens, McCutcheon) will be necessary, neither appearing forthcoming legislatively nor judicially. So, I see briefings of a sort from outlier voices like Michael Moore and (clutching pearls) Senator Sanders but rather than finding ways to bring those into the light, I guess we need new different ones that, I hope, will not feel necessary to run away from Progress nor toward acceptance of the Fash. Problematic, certainly.
Me too, Joyce. As you say, it's crucial to protect mainstream outlets, even imperfect, because that's how the majority access news. Added to the list of insult and injury: The Admin canceled subscriptions to news organizations under the hogwash pretense of saving a few million bucks - The Economist, The New York Times, Politico, Bloomberg News, The Associated Press and Reuters - Including all overseas bureaus such as embassies and consulates. More censorship... WTAF
Trying to think of how to encourage them to provide the subscriptions anyways.
Pigpen Bannon! Omg - You’re the best. Thanks for sticking with it, I’ve never seen you as anything but Ms. Sangfroid. I’d try to do my thing here but the neighbors posted a big life-sized photo of a bloody-eared dude with his fist in the air on a telephone pole on the street where I often walk. Off-putting. Tough crowd. I’ll be attending McGovern’s events locally and asking the same questions. And hoping I will be able to get at least one SocSec check so I can say I did. And planting a garden soon.
I'm with you. All the way. We must do what you're describing, no matter what. On the eve of HeWho's self-coronation I read a great biography of Vaclav Havel and it has bolstered my resolve (especially the artist/revolutionary part). Please don't lose heart. I wish I didn't live thousands of miles away. I would be on your doorstep to take you for a walk. And if it's ok next time I'm back, I will... Much love, Beth
If you haven't read Applebaum's book, you should. she spends a fair amount of time on Havel.
I'm with you, Joyce. I'm trying not to think that my rage is impacting my (already compromised) health (perhaps as much as the NIH freezes will), and I'm doing what I can to counter that by, well, doing what I can. In my case, that's more contributing (ACLU, PP, etc) than marching, but if I can, I will. I do take some heart in hearing about HeWho's falling poll numbers, and I confess to a certain schaudenfraude when I read about farmers going broke because of funding freezes, etc. This gives me hope for the future. I just hope we're all around to see it.
Someone just told me that Louisiana just lost $23 million in teacher-training funding. You wouldn't think that would be cause for celebration, but since I'd thought the FElons were going to make exceptions to cuts in Red states in order to assure continued fealty and the continued support of red-state voters, this was a relief!
Isn’t that the worst feeling? Rooting against the kids? There are people like us in red states too — patriotic people with values and empathy. I won’t abandon them.
I, too, am struggling, as I'm sure you and everyone within blast radius of my social media channels knows. For me, the terror isn't so much in worrying "is this it?" as it is imagining what fresh dystopian hell lies *beyond* this. The so-called Dark Enlightenment toward which we're purportedly being dragged isn't any kind of enlightenment at all. It's just dark.
Chris Murphy's terrible response seems to confirm my suspicion that Congress has become so overly consumed with the politicking and fundraising and campaigning required to get INTO Congress (the ego stuff, as you correctly put it), that they've lost touch with the stuff they're supposed to do once they're there. Not the voting -- which I jadedly suspect they see mostly as a means of accumulating points toward a future election win -- but the macro-level stewardship of democracy, which is literally what they swore to do, and which is still their responsibility even when they're the minority.
OMFG indeed.
The other thing that frustrates me about his response is, had they won, they would have had to put a competent cabinet together quickly. I'm SURE there had already been discussions, shortlists, etc. Lord, what a bad look.
I'm struggling to maintain optimism. Some days I can eke some out, but mostly not. Thanks, probably, to my generational trauma (only two generations back!), I am a little too vigilant about being able to recognize when it's time to flee. But this is subtle: no tanks, no pogroms. It's a digital coup. They're stealing data and grabbing control of the infrastructure and systems we all rely on for daily living. Problem is, you can't really un-steal data. So if our lives are already being fed into either the "wood chipper" (god I hate his glibness), or the brand new Colossus AI center in Memphis -- which I suspect will soon be the machine that literally runs America -- then... what does "fleeing" even look like?
But thanks to said generational trauma, I still sit around for hours a day like Alex in A Clockwork Orange, eyes pinned open, watching the shit flood the zone. I'm exhausted and burnt out and unlike your checked-out friends, I can't look away because what if the thing I miss is the threat I was supposed to stay vigilant for? What if I miss the signal?
I hope you know I am and will always be one of your people, and I'm so grateful to be in that position. You can come cry in my driveway anytime, and I will even pretend I didn't notice. You were probably just checking out my cool Ghost Army bumper magnet.
Joyce, thank you so much for this. I read everything; I feel it’s my duty as a citizen, even though I am surrounded by people who don’t, because it’s “too stressful.” My German Jewish father very nearly didn’t make it out of Nazi Germany because as assimilated upper middle class Jews who had a Christmas tree every year; they thought they were safe. They weren’t, and we aren’t either. We must pay close attention and yes, I want Pete Buttigieg or someone like him to stand up every day and let us know what’s going on and what we can do about it. I need to find a way to stop feeling sick to my stomach all day every day. Again, thank you for this beautiful essay.
Thanks Kate. I think PB is mulling a senate run, which would be great. We do need his voice.
Remarkable piece.
I feel the same. The inaction is killing me. Todays conversation was good. https://the.ink/p/watch-an-actual-plan-to-beat-fascism?r=mxnmg&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=audio-player
The dem party won’t be saving us. We will have to save ourselves.
Thank you! I needed this. I too have been calling for a daily briefing but nobody’s picking up. Ring ring ring ring ring. Keep posting. Flo R
Thank you Joyce. We all had been warned this would happen—-why didn’t our reps have a plan B? We have all the tools we need at our disposal and yet nothing is being done.
Asking myself what am I willing to risk?
Please ask yourselves the same question.
I'm with you. I want to be on your team when we are out in the streets. I won't repeat why the past two days were the worst ever -- you don't need any additional data on why to be despondent. But I am definitely with you.
Joyce. I’ve been watching HeWho shitshow unfold with increasing horror from across the Pond, and I’m also wondering where the hell the opposition are. Plenty of media pundits and podcasters but not so much from Democratic heavy hitters. Anyway, I send my support and best wishes (as the saying goes, when the US sneezes, the UK catches a cold a week later). I’ll continue to give the appropriate greeting when I drive past HeWho’s Ayrshire golf course and hope that does something for the karmic balance (no harm in trying). Stay strong and keep well.
Thank you, Basil. Make sure the Brits know that there are many people here ready to fight the good fight.
I read a comment somewhere that characterized Democratic Party leadership and politicians as aristocrats holding fast to what they regard as their personal power; admitting that their approach no longer works brings with it risks to their access, etc. It rings true, to me. (Real opposition could mean pissing off their big donors, as well.) The time to shift to a different set of operational norms is now.
::raises hand::
We need a hella lot more voices like yours in this Dismantlizoic Era, Joyce. Let's keep up both that leadership search, and the simultaneous grassroot "plot, plan, strategize, organize, and mobilize" effort with a particular eye toward midterms and the primaries beyond. I can't shake the cynical, yet I feel rational, viewpoint that there's no extant political way out that includes a path toward US Democracy; and that a revolutionary, systemic alteration is necessary in order to find that new effective leadership, one which is not entirely vulnerable to the HeWho's castigations and ad hominem delegitimizations. Some sort of overthrow of both media and finance (Citizens, McCutcheon) will be necessary, neither appearing forthcoming legislatively nor judicially. So, I see briefings of a sort from outlier voices like Michael Moore and (clutching pearls) Senator Sanders but rather than finding ways to bring those into the light, I guess we need new different ones that, I hope, will not feel necessary to run away from Progress nor toward acceptance of the Fash. Problematic, certainly.
Recalling the monstrous Reagan years nostalgically was not on my bingo card. Are you over at Blue Sky I hope? We need ya over there kid.....
Me too, Joyce. As you say, it's crucial to protect mainstream outlets, even imperfect, because that's how the majority access news. Added to the list of insult and injury: The Admin canceled subscriptions to news organizations under the hogwash pretense of saving a few million bucks - The Economist, The New York Times, Politico, Bloomberg News, The Associated Press and Reuters - Including all overseas bureaus such as embassies and consulates. More censorship... WTAF
Trying to think of how to encourage them to provide the subscriptions anyways.
I'm not sleeping well at all.
Pigpen Bannon! Omg - You’re the best. Thanks for sticking with it, I’ve never seen you as anything but Ms. Sangfroid. I’d try to do my thing here but the neighbors posted a big life-sized photo of a bloody-eared dude with his fist in the air on a telephone pole on the street where I often walk. Off-putting. Tough crowd. I’ll be attending McGovern’s events locally and asking the same questions. And hoping I will be able to get at least one SocSec check so I can say I did. And planting a garden soon.
OMG. That’s awful. I mean I have to go all the way to Adams Corner to get that kind of culture.
It’s jarring for sure